The top three questions people are asking about PrEP…
Any GP or sexual health nurse practitioner in Australia can prescribe PrEP but not all doctors know about it. Or you might not be comfortable talking to your regular doctor about PrEP. So it might be best to see a doctor that knows about PrEP. You can search for healthcare professionals in your area that are known to prescribe PrEP, or work in sexual health, here. There you will also find a link to a letter you can take to a doctor if you think they might not know about PrEP that tells them everything they need to know to prescribe you PrEP.
When you see your healthcare professional to get your script, they will do a few tests to get you started, including HIV, STIs and kidney function. Once you have a script, if you have a Medicare card, you can get your PrEP from a local pharmacy. Or you can import PrEP from online overseas pharmacies – this is an option for people who don’t have a Medicare card. You can find more information about getting PrEP from a local pharmacy and importing PrEP, here.
You can still get PrEP. Personal importation is an option for people that don’t have a Medicare card. You can find more information about getting PrEP both through the PBS and through personal importation, here.
If you’re in NSW, you may be able to access PrEP through the MI-EPIC study.